Perfect Skin – Beauty and Skincare treatments in Essex and London

Peel away the years

Chemical peels have suddenly become more popular again, it may be due to the recession as they are a low cost way of getting a glow back to the skin. Furthermore it can help with acne, oily skin, open pores, sun damage and fine lines and wrinkles. Glycolic acid and salicylic acid derive from sugar […]

Toxins the trick of the trade

More and more people are shunning cosmetic surgery and opting for muscle relaxing toxins and fillers to achieve a youthful and lifted look. When looking at the average age group of my clients, they are at the height of their powers, but they are feeling pressured by what they see as the younger, smarter more […]

You are what you eat

Clients wanting to reduce localised fat and improve the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks can do so by combining, Mesotherapy – a cocktail of fat burning, draining And skin tightening products And body skin needling to help the texture and tone of the skin. However diet and exercise ,and achieving a 2 litre of […]

The lure of perfect skin

With so many different types of non surgical facial treatments to choose from, clients often feel overwhelmed with the right procedure for them. Here at perfect skin, we take that stress away, by telling you what the perfect treatment plan will be. With over 14 years of experience in aesthetics and dermatology. You are in […]

How to look less tired

Are you fed up with people commenting on how tired you look, despite having 8 hours sleep per night? Luckily perfect skin has the answer! This lady in the photos below had this problem, it was solved by a course of eye rollers combined with a tailor made Mesotherapy cocktail of products and some Wrinkle […]

How to correct a Gummy Smile

Did you know that a gummy smile can be corrected, the before and after image shows how Wrinkle Treatments can help this often embarrassing problem. This young women gained these results two weeks after treatment with me at the Chigwell Perfect skin clinic.

Instyle beauty products

Thank you so much to Instyle magazine for asking me again to be an expert beauty product judge for the 2013 awards “…… The countdown begins!

Shaping lips naturally and artistically

Filling out lips requires a good technique and an appreciation of their geometry says expert Frances Furlong of Perfect Skin, To achieve beautiful lips an M shape for the upper and a W shape for the lower makes lips more attractive, the bottom lip should always be bigger, as we age the cupids bow or […]

Sun protection the cheapest anti ageing cream

There are two types of uv radiation that can damage the skin. UVA and UVB. Both are associated with burning, wrinkling, leathering and other effects of photo aging. Not only is sun damage associated with types of skin cancer but burnt skin tends to thicken as it heals and can lead to premature skin Ging […]