Perfect Skin – Beauty and Skincare treatments in Essex and London

Woman and Home Treatments for Tired Eyes

Question – Im so sick of people telling me I look tired> These dark circles under my eyes are a pain,  I have tried expensive creams and concealers, nothing helps! Answer A hot new treatment – A bespoke cocktail of vitamins, minerals and natural remedies are delivered by micro-injection under the skin surface, to help […]

Scene Magazine Beauty Celebration

This feature celebrates  three areas of expertise, facial and body rejuvenation treatments by Frances Furlong,  Ash as a fantastic cosmetic dentist, Ashlene as a talented semi permanent make up artists,  i am very pleased to be able to recommend the services they provide to all of my clients.

Scene Facial Aesthetics and Beauty Evening

Facial Aesthetics and Beauty Evening at Smile design by Ash, offers cosmetic Dentistry, general dentistry, semi permanent make -up , all types of facial and body aesthetics, Wrinkle Treatments, fillers, skin peels, treatments for scars and acne and much more………….  

How to Achieve The perfect Pout with Lip Enhancements

As an Aesthetic Practitioner I feel that creating the right lip balance to the face is essential for creating a youthful, attractive and sensual look. This piece I wrote explains how fillers can create this, restylane lipp, Juverderm , restylane vital can all deliver this in different ways. It can be used to outline the […]

Daily Star Body of Opinion

Here is a piece I quoted on with my alternative to breast implants. Qmed have a product called Macrolane, which is a hyaluronic acid filler that is injected into the breast area, a more subtle volume can be achieved, great for stretch mark on the breast tissue also. Fantastic as a non surgical approach and […]

Launch Evening at Smile Design By Ash

Thanks to Ash Parmar, Ashlene McCormack for all the hard work at the Launch in  Chigwell, services provided include all cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry, teeth whitening, semi permanent make-up and all aspects of facial and body aesthetics provided by me. call 0208 500 0544 to book an appointment

Cosmetic News Awards 2011

Hi All Just to let you know about the fantastic Cosmetic News awards 2011, If you would like to vote for me under Best Mobile Pracatitioner please visit where you can fill in the form online or print off and post to them Thanks for your support Frances