Nowadays there are so many different skincare lines available with various ingredients, it becomes hard to decide what will best suit you, knowing the right ingredients and what to look for in a product to suit your skin is essential.
Carrier Ingredients are the base in which active ingredients are packaged, a cosmeceutical product is a cosmetic product in which the active Ingredient is meant to have a beneficial physiological effect due to an enhanced pharmacological action when compared with an inert cosmetic.
However the difference between active and carrier components is often minimal or even nominant for eg; vitamin acetate was used as a carrier , it is now known to be an antioxidant making it active. The products are there for able to penetrate the skin and dermal components to different degrees at several rates and pathways. Once entering the body it is transported through normal mechanisms
Perfect Skin highly recommends
Suisse Absolue plant stem cells
Neostrata aha products
Obagi acne Nd pigment range
Heliocare SPF protection
Agera vitamin c