Perfect Skin – Beauty and Skincare treatments in Essex and London

Day 6 – Post Plexr

The scabs are off !! They came off after I showered, skin looks and feels so. I hope smoother already, will be using my oxygenetics make up daily for next 6 weeks to help protect and heal the new skin.

Day 5 – Post Plexr

Definitely doesn’t feel as tight today, no discomfort or pain, can’t wait for the scabs to fall off and to wash my fa e properly.

Day 4 Post Plexr

All the swelling has resolved and is starting to feel like it will crack soon, I am being very careful not to disturb the scabs , they need to come off when they are ready!

Day 3 Post Plexr Treatment

Still a little swelling evident, really starting to feel tighter underneath now! But still not uncomfortable, have been keeping it dry, wearing sunglasses in the shower!

Day 2 Post Plexr Treatment

So today there is swelling evident, but more to my upper eyelids rather than lower. Took ibuprofen and histamine prior to bed and slept more upright, feels more tighter today but not uncomfortable. I have only applied make up once a day, the drier the scab the quicker I think it will fall off.

Day 1 Post Plexr Treatment

Just woke up, I took two ibuprofen tablets and one histamine tablet before bed and slept with three pillows. I definitely think it has helped with reducing swelling. No pain!

Immeadiately after My Plexr Treatment

This is me straight after the procedure with the camaflague make up, that you get with the actual treatment. In all honesty I barely felt 80% of the treatment and the other 20% was 4/5 out of 10 pain wise. It felt very hot in some parts, but being the eye area , the skin […]

My Plexr Journey

In order for me to be able to offer treatments to clients, I really feel that it is crucial to experience the process to be fully empathetic. Furthermore, practise what you preach! Here is my before photo.

Treatment Choices for Youthful Eyes

This month I will discuss and look at ways to help tired eyes, and the reasons as to why your eyes look tired, old or dark. When my clients attend for a consultation or new treatment, the eye area is normally always an issue in some way, the eyes are the windows of our soul, […]