Acne and acne rosacea are very distressing conditions for people to live and cope with, endless courses of oral antibiotics and steroid creams tend to be the only answer at the Gp surgery. I often get clients who come to see me as there current medications are not working or they have built up a resistance to them. This lady came to see me and had been suffering for the past 3 years, normally antibiotic therapy and topical steroids ,helped to maintain her condition of acne rosacea , but this time they had no effect. She also complained that her skin was looking thin and aged which is a side effect of topical steroid use. I prescribed a one month ,course of antibiotics to run alongside a course of six glycolic peels, every two weeks apart , then a course of intense pulsed light treatments, these photos were taken four months after treatment, a year oN this lady has still maintained her results with regularly maintenance skin peels and intense pulsed light treatments and Suisse Absolue products , cleanser pure, serum pure and SPF 50 gel.